Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Big Salad Bar

Sometimes it's just too hot to cook or even imagine eating hot food. On nights like that, we make Big Salad, named after the best salad at the diner on Seinfeld. Big Salad used to be mixed all together in one giant bowl, but I decided that was no longer okay because it made any leftover salad taste weird. So now, because of that and the fact that we just had too many greens, each component is separated. Which also means each person gets exactly what they want. This was a very typical Big Salad Spread for us:

Greens (Red Leaf Lettuce, Arugula and Red Cabbage)

Italian Seasoned Tofu, from Vegan with a Vengeance/Veganomicon (to be fair, this was cooked, but well in advance)

And a very special appearance by our new favorite Roasted Shallot Dressing. Our usual dressing bar consists of balsamic vinegar, olive oil, Bragg Liquid Aminos, salt & pepper.

My finished salad (no celery!)

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