Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cassoulet - The perfect cold weather meal

Yet another recipe from Veganomicon. It's basically a yummy thick stew of leeks, carrots, potatoes, peas and white beans. But what makes it absolutely killer is the freaking biscuits on top. Once the stew is done, you throw on the biscuit batter and pop it all in the oven. We also make a slow-cooker "pot pie" that's pretty similar (that recipe is in Fresh from the Vegetarian Slow Cooker), but I don't have any pics of that. Either way, it's winter in a bowl.


  1. This is in there? Gotta try it. I loooove leeks.

  2. Yes. I can check the page number, but I think it's called Leek & Bean Cassoulet.
